Thursday, July 31, 2008

Email lists hits 500

Hi everybody, although I am still waiting for Google to unflag my blog as spam (argh! the editing is really onerous this way), I thought I would note that the 500th person just subscribed to the email list. Wow! Thank you very much for your interest in these blogs! They are just my own personal hobby, but I am really glad if they can be useful to others as well.

If you have a minute to take a little poll about which Bestiaria Latina blogs you are most interested in, that would be a big help to me... I'm always scrambling to find time to post in all the blogs, and I would be curious to know which ones are of most interest to the virtual readers out there in the blogosphere.

Here's a PollDaddy Poll that lists all the Bestiaria Latina blogs - please check any/all topics that are of special interest to you. (If you are reading this via the email, just click on the link to visit the poll; if you are looking at the actual blog post, you should be able to view the poll directly.)

And thanks again for your interest in all these Latin-related blogs! :-)